Mother Nature knows how to heal our Warriors.
 We are just the guides.


Our Approach

We get vets together with each other and away from the daily grind. Like minded individuals in a comfortable environment where they can drop the shields and open up about their experiences with those that have been through the same experiences.

Our Story

Every day we hear about new scientific studies that expound the benefits of being in the outdoors. Recent studies have found that boreal forests emit a chemical that is beneficial to humans in a measurable way, to the point of even easing depression.

Hunters have known this instinctively for thousands of years. Idaho Backcountry Veterans aims to get as many of our war impacted vets as possible into this serene yet challenging environment. But we need your help.

Started in 2017 Idaho Back Country Veterans is a Not-For-Profit corporation registered in Idaho. We fundraise and have a series of amazing sponsors and partners that help us create natural escapes for those we help. The North Chapter of Idaho Backcountry Veterans serves the veteran community in the Panhandle regions.

Reach Out

We want to connect with you! If you are a veteran or know a veteran in the North Idaho Panhandle area you can get in touch with us through the Idaho Backcountry Veterans website, Facebook page, or by email. Once we get your information one of us will reach out to you.

Please Help…

Want to contribute to what we do at IBV? We accept all major credit cards via charitable PayPal account, you can designate us as your preferred charity via Amazon Smile, and we are always looking for new adventures so if you are an outfitter, travel agent, or outdoors enthusiast that can donate time to creating the environments where our vets heal, please reach out.

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