Who We Are:

Warriors Rest is a community for those that work on the front lines confronting evil. It is in community that we find the most growth and healing for our fellow warriors and ourselves. The pursuit of justice, extending mercy, or proclaiming the truth, takes its toll on all that are involved. Healthy community provides refuge, recreation, and restoration for those that have given so much of themselves and their loved ones to serving others. We meet our brothers and sisters where they are at, mentally, physically and spiritually, knowing that we can’t fix ourselves, we invite them to journey with us. As we share each other’s burdens, more and more task and purpose develops in our daily walks giving us new and broader meaning outside of the missions we have given so much to. This is the road that allows us to continually see the difference between wearing the authorities we have been given, instead of identifying with that authority. This refocuses our perspective, individually and collectively, and quiets a lot of the storms that rage due to the inability to “shut it off”.

How it works:

We take each individual as they come, the amount of time they can stay, and build a plan from there. They spend time with our families, join us in our day to day mission, all they while we do life together and begin to discuss about our individual challenges on the front lines. We find that in the doing, feasting, laughing, playing, working, that we can connect and really see where someone is at. We have some programming but that is not the focus. There is no graduation or certificate, just new relationship forged at whatever level new community members want, and task and purpose and within the community aligns. We work locally, nationally and worldwide with several different communities. Some come alone, with their families or friends Some for a few days, some come for weeks, some have never left.

Next steps:

We invite you to join our community. Whether it be time, resources, connections, donations, or getting the word out, it takes all of it to keep our community thriving. Please reach out to us and let us know how you would like to get involved or if you know someone that could benefit from joining the Warriors Rest community.

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